
Announcement of the plan to select a challenge scholarship (future) for the second half of 2022 school year


The "Challenge Scholarship (Future) Selection Plan for the second half of the 2022 school year" will be announced as follows, so please promote it so that many talented people can apply.

※ Due to the budget execution problem, additional selection for additional admissions in the previous year (in February) will not be implemented, so please refer to it and apply in advance.

1. Selection of scholarship students

A. Qualification: General admission students who are scheduled to graduate from the bachelor's degree in February 2023 and want to go to our university's general graduate school in the previous year (Academic and Master's Association students can also apply)

※ Average score of 2.5 or higher in the previous semester (Article 3 of the Jeonnam National University Scholarship Regulations (Qualification of Scholarship Students))

B. Scholarship: KRW 1,700,000 for humanities and social studies, KRW 2,300,000 for natural arts and physical education

※ However, the amount of support may vary slightly depending on the available budget

Notification of the selection list of scholarship students: scheduled for November 24, 2022 (Thursday)

2. Scholarship support: Successful applicants for the 2023 school year electrical admissions selected as challenging scholarship (future) students

※ Scholarships are deposited into personal accounts only for students who have been confirmed to be registered ('23. End of February)
